This week a federal court judge extended a temporary restraining order against the Office of Management and Budget’s attempt to freeze funding for federal grants and programs. This restraining order expands the scope of the initial stay issued last week. The order forbids the administration “from implementing, giving effect to, or reinstating under a different name the directives in the original OMB memo.”
While this news came as a welcome relief, we remain gravely concerned about future cuts to federal funding as spending is aligned with the administration’s agenda. The programs at HopePHL most impacted by a funding freeze receive 60% or more funding from Federal sources, and include:
These programs act as a safety net for families, youth, and young children facing homelessness or housing insecurity. At HopePHL, we are proud of our nonpartisan, nondiscriminatory efforts to serve every family and youth experiencing homelessness, and West Philadelphia residents, who engage us, as our contracts allow, and funding will accommodate. HopePHL serves 4,000 children a year and our community development work impacts 20,000 households. HopePHL’s economic impact includes:
There are over 1.8 million non-profits like HopePHL in the United States, running the gamut of offerings from financial education, small business services, literacy support, education, housing, workforce training, and resources for survivors of criminal acts. Many of which will endure financial distress and face closure with reductions in federal funds. Non-profits are sustained by a workforce of 12 million employees (more than manufacturing, construction, or finance industries) that collectively contribute $1 trillion to the United States Economy (5% of the annual GDP). For these reasons, we urge you to send the letter below to elected and appointed officials at all levels of government, and email signed copies to [email protected].
In this HopePHL Newsletter edition: Celebrate Black History Month with us by learning about local community members and businesses, Staff Spotlight, Upcoming Events, and more!
Join us in supporting our local Black-Owned businesses this Black History Month! Click on each slide for more information on their websites.
In this edition: Jasmine Gives Back, Partnership with Clean & Green Philly, Policy Update, Events, and More!
School District of Philadelphia Renews Thrive, Valley Youth House, and Eddie's House Funding10/30/2024 On Tuesday, October 29 in the Mayor's Reception Room at City Hall, Isaiah Thomas, Councilmember At-Large and Chair of City Council’s Education Committee, joined Dr. Tony B. Watlington, Sr. the School District of Philadelphia’s superintendent, with HopePHL, Valley Youth House, Eddie’s House, and other advocates, and announced an additional $2.3 million in funding to support programs that work in schools to identify and serve students experiencing homelessness. This support will allow all three partners to continue services for the duration of this school year. According to School District of Philadelphia data, there are 10,000 students experiencing homelessness in the district.
The Back to School Policy Brief was developed by HopePHL in collaboration with Philly Homes for Youth, Eddie's House, Turning Points for Children, and Valley Youth House.
With additional funding and staffing the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) was able to support 10,000 children and youth who experienced homelessness in the School Year (SY) 2022-2023. The SDP's American Rescue Plan funds (ARP) are expiring December 31, 2024, and the new capacity and supports for students will disappear. No plans have been developed to build on or continue this support; the School District informed advocates that the new state funding is not adequate for replacing supports for homeless students; the Parker Administration and City Council are talking about this, but no actions have been taken. In this edition read about Charles and Kerry's family getting a fresh start, the 10th Annual (Park)ing Day, September events, + more!
Check out the scene from the annual Lancaster Jazz & Arts Festival! It was a beautiful day to see some unbelievable jazz performers, shop and eat from local vendors, and honor members of the community! Stay tuned for more recaps of the day to come.
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February 2025