HopePHL’s Men’s Wellness Event is held in June each year, in recognition of Men’s Health Awareness Month, at the intersection of Lancaster Avenue and Spring Garden Street. This year’s event – the eighth annual – featured blood pressure education and screenings and Stop the Bleed program information. The American Red Cross demonstrated proper CPR techniques. West Philadelphia Promise Neighborhood sponsored a Promise Village that included literacy groups, arts and crafts and a demonstration of healthy smoothie blending from Farm Explorer and Greener Partners. Community Legal Services and Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity were also onsite to offer services.
A family’s homelessness can be prolonged for longer periods of time by a lack of childcare.
HopePHL’s Building Early Links for Learning (BELL) project works to help parents and homeless housing provider agencies find high-quality childcare, navigate through applications, and much more. However, the COVID-19 pandemic reduced the number of available early learning programs. Numerous efforts at the national, state, and local level are working to get the early learning system back to pre-COVID levels, but long-term systemic problems like low staff wages, inadequate number of subsidies, and a lack of infant/toddler childcare hinder the system’s recovery. The Federal Reserve’s Early Care and Education Work Group has produced a series of reports on the status of childcare as it relates to its mission of sustainable employment. This paper is a summary of its most recent report, which can be found here. Who should read this paper: HopePHL is summarizing the report for the homeless housing system, other human service systems and policy makers because the availability of childcare affects all industries. In addition, there are numerous advisory councils and coalitions preparing early childhood education (ECE) policy work to offer to Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, the Pennsylvania General Assembly, Philadelphia’s future Mayor, and current and future City Council members. Information in this paper serves to add to the body of knowledge about ECE to a non-ECE audience. |
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February 2025