HopePHL’s Men’s Wellness Event is held in June each year, in recognition of Men’s Health Awareness Month, at the intersection of Lancaster Avenue and Spring Garden Street. This year’s event – the eighth annual – featured blood pressure education and screenings and Stop the Bleed program information. The American Red Cross demonstrated proper CPR techniques. West Philadelphia Promise Neighborhood sponsored a Promise Village that included literacy groups, arts and crafts and a demonstration of healthy smoothie blending from Farm Explorer and Greener Partners. Community Legal Services and Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity were also onsite to offer services. Event collaborators included HopePHL, 16th Police District, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, City of Philadelphia Division of Housing and Community Development, Neighborhood Advisory Committee Program, Penn Medicine, Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity, and WURD Radio. The event was free and open to the public. More than one hundred guests attended the event, including HopePHL housing residents, neighbors from the surrounding area, and many others. They enjoyed workout and dance classes, a fashion show where they models supported literacy by carrying books, and refreshments provided by Starbucks and the 16th Police District. The Water Revenue Bureau, Philadelphia Fire Department, Election Commissioner Omar Sabir’s office, Bridges to Wealth, and Digital Navigators were some of the groups offering information and resources. HopePHL™ (pronounced “hopeful”) was founded through an integration of two human service organizations in Philadelphia, PA: People’s Emergency Center (PEC) and Youth Service, Inc (YSI). Leveraging 120 years of combined service experience, it is HopePHL’s mission to inspire Philadelphia's children, youth, families and communities to thrive by providing housing, advocacy, and trauma-responsive social services designed to promote equity, resilience, autonomy, and well-being. HopePHL helps over 25,000 community members and residents annually to reach their goals of safe homes, economically secure and healthy families, and thriving businesses.
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February 2025